Download Software Engineering Multiple Choice Questions With Answers Pressman P

ACM Computing Reviews Roger S. Pressman, Ph.D Software Engineering. PM Page xxv P REFACE W hen computer software succeeds—when it meets the. But well-defined objective (e.g., conducting a unit who is doing what test) that. It's worth spending a little time answering a few simple questions: • Who has a. Downloads (12 Months): n/a. For almost three decades, Roger Pressman's Software Engineering: A Practitioner's. The seventh edition of Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach has been designed to. Defective modules in different test phases, Software Quality Control, v.23 n.2, p.205-227, June 2015.

Want to Share. Ether LAN uses (a) Polar encoding (b) differential manchester encoding (c) manchester encoding (d) NRZ Ans: (c) 2. If a file is to be moved from main memory to a disk, the directory file would be modified by the (a) supervisor (b) file manager (c) I/O manager (d) command processor Ans: (b) 3. Which type of design problem in file system? (a) How the file system should look to the user (b) Algorithm and data structure must be created to map the logical file system onto the secondary storage device (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these Ans: (c) Related: 4.

Which company develops the TCP/IP protocol for networking? (a) IBM (b) DEC (c) NOVELL (d) DARPA Ans: (d). Slotted ALOHA (a) divide time into discrete intervals (b) require global time synchronization (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these Ans: (c) 6. A file organization component of a VSAM file is (a) relative record data set (b) keyed sequential data set (c) entry sequential data set (d) all of these Ans: (d) 7. If a designer wants to design a point-to-point subnetwork with 10 routers of full duplex line, then total number of lines among them would be (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 45 (d) 90 Ans: (d) 8. What is the maximum burst length on an 155.52 Mbps ATM ABR connection whose PCR value 200,000 and whose L value is 25 msec?

(a) 9 cells (b) 12 cells (c) 15 cells (d) 18 cells Ans: (b) 9. IP address can be used to specify a broadcast and map to hardware broadcast if available. By conversion broadcast address has hosted with all bits (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these Ans: (b) 10. Adobe photoshop cs5 arabic language pack download. Which of the following TCP/IP protocol is used to monitor IP gateway and the networks to which they attach? (a) SGMP (b) SUMP (c) FTP (d) both (a) and (b) Ans: (d) Related: GATE Syllabus 11. End – to – end connectivity is provided from host – to – host in the (a) network layer (b) transport layer (c) session layer (d) none of these Ans: (b) 12.

What is the elapsed time of P if F contains unblocked records and P does not use buffering? (a) 12 sec (b) 14 sec (c) 17 sec (d) 21 sec Ans:` (c) 13.


A desirable property of module is (a) independency (b) low cohesiveness (c) high coupling (d) multifunctional Ans: (a) 14. Gateways can function all the way upto (a) transport layer (b) session layer (c) presentation layer (d) application layer Ans: (d) 15. Which of the following is not relevant to networking? (a) Low-end stand alone hubs (b) Stackable hubs (c) Mesh network (d) Bus hubs Ans: (d) 16.

A help system in an application program is used (a) make it easy to switch from one mode to another (b) display menus to prompt the users with choices of available commands (c) display explanatory information (d) all of these Ans: (c) 17. Which one of the following is not a class of LAN? (a) Broad band (b) CSMA/CD (c) Token bus (d) Token ring Ans: (a) 18. Different computers are connected to a LAN by a cable and (a) modem (b) interface card (c) special wires (d) telephone lines Ans: (b) 19. Unmodulated signal coming from a transmitter is known as (a) carrier signal (b) baseband signal (c) primary singal (d) none of these Ans: (b) 20. Bit stuffing refers to (a) inserting a ‘0’ in user stream to differentiate it with a flag (b) inserting a ‘0’ in flag stream to aviod ambiguity (c) appending a nibble to the flag sequence (d) appending a nibble to the use data stream Ans: (a) 21. A network that contains multiple hubs in most likely configured in which topology?