Land Rover Chassis Numbers

Chassis Numbering. Chassis numbers on Land Rovers can lead to you obtaining quite a bit of information on your vehicle. On the other hand, if you own something like a IIA where the serial number prefix didn't change for years what you learn may be limited.

Ive had my 300TDi defender for about 3 years now and it has gone through the previous MOTs without just the normal small issues, loose ball joint, worn steering bush etc. However during the last MOT i had a letter come throught the door a week or so later saying that there was a discrepency in the Chassis numbers between the vehicle, V5 and the MOT certificate, It seems that i have got two Chassis numbers Upon further inspection i have found that the chassis number on the Vin plate matches the MOT certificate. But the number stamped on the chassis dumb iron matches the V5 If i post the chassis numbers on here is it possible to work out which one is correct so that i have a heads up before the DVLA come knocking? I'd agree with Les - the chassis is more likely to be the original VIN as the brake pedal unit with the VIN plate riveted to it may have been replaced due to a fault or upgrade with the VIN plate mistakenly not transferred. El abuelo mas loco del mundo libro en pdf. It's not impossible, though, that a corroded or damaged chassis was illegally replaced with a second hand chassis without a VIC (s/h can be legal without a new VIN and Q-plate subject to VOSA/DVLA VIC and approval) and chassis number re-stamp. Hopefully, you checked the vehicle history and got a check done before purchase to ensure it wasn't a 'bistsa', wringer or serious write-off.

Land Rover chassis number 1, the long-lost JUE 477, has resurfaced at the Royal Automobile Club in London, UK, having been seen last during Land Rover’s 50th anniversary celebrations in 1998. Following a brief appearance at the Shugborough Hall 50th anniversary show two decades ago, chassis 860001, the first ever production Land Rover, fell out of public view. However, it was far from well-publicised before the half century celebrations. In fact, JUE had been residing in a field without so much as a cover near Kendal, Cumbria, owned by farmer David Fairless. The first inkling of what lay undisturbed on the exposed grassland Two friends, one of them using the forum name RBM, went hiking with the knowledge that a special Series I was lurking in a boggy field, and finally found the dilapidated JUE surrounded by rusting tractors and split-screen Morris Minors. • • • ‘This was JUE and the significance was the chassis number.

Lots of zeros followed by a single number. And that number was one.’ Further explained in RBM’s visit was the information that JUE’s custodian, a supportive Land Rover enthusiast, knew exactly what he had and that the Land Rover was not for sale. What they left with was the knowledge that JUE seemed well beyond saving. Although mostly complete, the Series I was in a critical condition. The flaking, structurally compromised chassis was beginning to collapse, a front hub and swivel was missing, the paintwork was faded and scored right through to the aluminium, the outer passenger-side wing had been ripped off, there were no doors nor a windscreen and entire slabs of the rear tub had gone. • • • • • • • • • The front bumper was bent back to the front of the perished tyres and within the engine bay lived a variety of insects and debris. It appeared to be a sad end for a hugely significant Land Rover.

However, the decision was taken in 2017 to find a new owner and guarantee chassis 1's long-term future. It was sold to an industrialist with a known passion for Land Rovers. JUE's history is fascinating. It was officially dispatched in July 1948 before being signed over to the Land Rover development programme.


As such, it remained within the Solihull factory grounds, and wasn’t registered for tarmac use until the turn of 1950. It was later sold to a professor lecturing at Newcastle University, then changed hands once more before being bought by David Fairless and put to work on a farm in Northumberland. Originally after a tractor, Mr Fairless opted to purchase the Land Rover instead. Years later, when he displayed JUE at Shugborough Hall, many of the current legends of the Land Rover scene flocked to see it. It had already been thought lost by that time, and there had been much speculation on the vehicle's whereabouts and condition. • • • • • • • • • ‘We could not stop going back for another look,' Tom Pickford of WWSpares told the Series One Owners’ Club forum.