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• • • • • • ManageEngine Desktop Central is a Web-based Windows software application for desktop administration. This application enables administrators to manage computers effectively, from a central point. It comprises features like Software Deployment, Patch Management, Service-pack Installation, Asset Management, OS Deployment, Remote Control, Configurations, System Tools, Active Directory Reports and User Logon Reports. Architecture This document on LAN architecture will explain the following, • • • The LAN architecture of Desktop Central comprises the following components: • Server • Agent • Patch Database • Web Console • Active Directory This section includes detailed information about the components of the Desktop Central architecture. Refer to Figure 1: LAN Architecture of Desktop Central. Server The Desktop Central server is located in the customer's site.

For example, the customer's head office. This server enables the completion of various desktop-management tasks to help administrators manage computers in the company's network effectively. Some of the tasks include the following: • Installing the agent in computers in the customer's network • Deploying configurations • Scanning for inventory and patches • Generating reports.

For example, reports related to Active Directory infrastructure components It is recommended to not switch off the Desktop Central Server at all. It should be switched on constantly to complete various desktop-management tasks on a daily basis. All the desktop-management tasks can be completed using Desktop Central's Web-based administration console. Figure 1: LAN Architecture of Desktop Central Agent The Desktop Central agent is a lightweight software application that is installed in computers which are managed using Desktop Central. It is installed automatically in the computers in a LAN. It helps to complete various tasks that are initiated in the Desktop Central server. For example, if you want to uninstall a software application from a computer in your network, you can make the required settings for this task in the Desktop Central server.


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The agent replicates these settings and ensures that the task is completed effectively. Website x5 crack serial numbers. The agent also updates the Desktop Central server with the status of configurations that are deployed. It checks the Desktop Central server periodically for instructions related to tasks and completes the same.