Programma Dlya Perevoda Zapisi S Diktofona V Tekst

Eurlex2018q4 en The market access limitations indicating that “the establishment of a specialised management company is required to perform the activities of management of unit trusts and investment companies” and that “only firms having their registered office in the Community can act as depositories of the assets of investment funds”, both under mode 1 and 3, were not included in the schedule of Czech Republic as regards mode 3, Estonia (not included in mode 1 nor in mode 3), Latvia as regards mode 3, Lithuania as regards mode 1, Hungary as regards mode 3 and Slovakia as regards mode 3. EurLex-2 en New tyres of Classes C1, C2 and C3 that were manufactured prior to the dates set out in paragraph 2 concerning general requirements and wet grip performance, paragraph 4 concerning general requirements, paragraph 5 concerning stage 2 rolling sound requirements, paragraphs 6 and 7 concerning stage 1 rolling resistance requirements as well as paragraphs 9 and 10 concerning stage 2 rolling resistance requirements, and which do not comply with these requirements, may be sold and entering into service for an additional period not exceeding 30 months from those dates. Kenko k chasam instrukciya. Eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 en The General Court, in paragraph 244 of the judgment under appeal, held that the Commission’s jurisdiction under public international law to find and punish conduct adopted outside the European Union may be established on the basis of either the implementation test or the qualified effects test, before assessing the Commission’s jurisdiction in the present case in the light of the qualified effects test and then, in the alternative, in the light of the implementation test.

V posledneye vremya tezisa zametka, kak pravilo, svyazana s napisaniyem proyektov, v kotorykh ya byl zainteresovan. Ya dumal o nikh kak vyrazheniya original'nogo vdokhnoveniya i zavetnaya ikh v kachestve lichnogo naslediya. Oni byli napechatany v khronologicheskom poryadke serii i nomera, prisvaivayemyye dlya udobnoy identifikatsii.