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Crusaders Tracklist Hide Credits A1 Scratch Written-By – Wayne Henderson 5:45 A2 Eleanor Rigby Written-By – John Lennon And Paul McCartney* 12:27 B1 Hard Times Written-By – P. Mitchell* 7:26 B2 So Far Away Written-By – Carole King 4:35 B3 Way Back Home Written-By – Wilton Felder 8:41 Companies, etc.

The specialised MBK international fair presents the leading technology manufacturers and suppliers for the flour-milling industry, bakery and confectionery from around the world. The MBK fair regularly presents the latest trends in all these fields, gives a full overview of the latest innovations and belongs to the leading international business meeting of experts of the milling, bakery and confectionery industry. MBK takes place in a two-year period, always in even years and, is mainly intended for B2B visitors. • Full name: International Milling Industry, Bakery and Confectionery Fair • Date: 20.-23.4. 2020 • Venue: Brno Exhibition Centre • Organizer: BVV Trade Fairs Brno • Position: No. In Central and Eastern Europe.