Worship Midi Files Free Download

Worship and Praise MIDI Music Worship the Lord with me as we listen to some of my Favorite Worship and Praise Music IMPORTANT! Please do not link directly to these songs.

To download a file to your computer, right click the song title and choose 'save target as.' To play a song, left click the title. (Bach: Cantata No.

Praise And Worship Free MIDI Files. Top Songs for Praise And Worship Take Me To Church. Buy FULL MIDI Pro Quality Lyrics. I Know Who I Am.

207 'Let The Trumpets Sound') These beautiful arrangements are the sole property of Margi Harrell and are not to be downloaded without her permission. Margi is a profes- sional performer and music instructor. She does both original compositions and performances of the old standards and hymns. This special section of worship and praise music was written by Leonard E. (Lenny) Smith, Jr., perhaps most renowned for 'Our God Reigns.'

Thanks to Lenny for sharing this beautiful praise music. You can sing along by clicking on 'Song Sheet' under each song. Churches are encouraged to download and use freely these songs for local church use.

Please report usage on your regular survey for CCLI. ~ Lenny Smith ~ 'Worthy art Thou, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power.' ~ Revelation 4:11a (NASV) ~ WHO GOD IS God is Lord Almighty.

Omnipotent King. Lion of Judah. Rock of Ages. Prince of Peace. King of Kings. Lord of Lords. Paternal Leader.

And Reigning King of all the universe. He is Father. He is Helper. He is Guardian. And He is God. He is the First and Last.

The Beginning and the End. He is the Keeper of creation and the Creator of all He keeps. He is the Architect of the universe and the Manager of all times. He always was, He always is, and He always will be. Vengerskie krossvordi s otvetami.

Unmoved, unchanged, undefeated, and never undone. He was bruised and brought healing. He was pierced and eased pain.

He was persecuted and bought freedom. He was dead and bought life. He is risen and brings power. He reigns and brings peace.

The world can't understand Him, the armies can't defeat Him, the schools can't explain Him, and the leaders can't ignore Him. Herod couldn't kill Him, the Pharisees couldn't confuse Him, the people couldn't hold Him. Nero couldn't crush Him, Hitler couldn't silence Him, the New Age can't replace Him, and Donahue can't explain Him away. He is Light, Love, Longevity, and Lord. He is Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, and God. He is Holy, Righteous, Mighty, Powerful, and Pure. His ways are right, His word is eternal, His will is unchanging, and His mind is on me.

He is my Redeemer, He is my Savior, He is my guide, and He is my peace. He is my joy, He is my comfort, He is my Lord, and He rules my life.

I serve Him because His bond is love, His burden is light, and His goal for me is abundant life. I follow Him because He is the Wisdom of the Wise, the Power of the Powerful, the Ancient of Days, the Ruler of Rulers, the Leader of Leaders, the Overseer of the overcomers, and the Sovereign Lord of all that was and is and is to come. And, if that seems impressive, how about this?

His goal is a relationship with ME! He will never leave me, never forsake me, never mislead me, never forget me, never overlook me, and never cancel my appointment in His appointment book. When I fall, He lifts me up. When I fail, He forgives. When I am weak, He is strong.

When I am lost, He is the way. When I am afraid, He is my courage.

When I stumble, He steadies me. When I am hurt, He heals me.

When I am broken, He mends me. When I am blind, He leads me. When I am hungry, He feeds me. When I face trials, He is with me. When I face persecution, He steels me. When I face problems, He comforts me. When I face loss, He provides for me.