Chloe Bag Serial Numbers

I've also been struggling with the whole date/serial number thing. And, like you, trawling for hours! I've been asking on the 'Authenticate this Chloe' thread, whether authentic bags can have tags with letters as well as numbers.

Does Bluefly Sell Fakes??? I saw a Black Marc Jacobs Blake bag on Bluefly and snapped it up.

It arrived today, and the zippers are NOT marked 'riri.' In fact, there are no markings under the zippers at all. There IS the white stitching on the handle that goes through the O-ring hardware. The lining is a beige suede. Everything else looks right, But no 'riri.' In fact, the zipper pull says 'YKK' on the little portion on the top.

What is going on??? Do you think it's possible? Or that someone returned a fake bag and kept the authentic for themselves? .the zippers are NOT marked 'riri.' In fact, there are no markings under the zippers at all.Everything lse looks right, But no 'riri.'

In fact, the zipper pull says 'YKK' on the little portion on the top. This sounds exactly like all of the fake Blakes that were purchased on ebay approx 6 mos ago, and which I have photographed on my page. The bag looks remarkably like an authentic one, but when compared side-by-side, the differences become more obvious.

The lining is slightly darker and the zippers are marked ykk on the edge of the actual zipper. Here is a comparison of one of those fake Blakes & an authentic one: And here is a picture of the zipper from one of these bags: See how close they are? If you didn't have a trained eye or know about the zippers, you really wouldn't be able to tell the difference. The Made in Italy marking, however, wouldn't be in the suede on a Black Blake, it would be on the nameplate inside, which we've seen faked too many times to count! (Does your bag say Made in Italy on the nameplate inside?) Of course, it's possible that someone purchased an authentic one & returned a fake - it wouldn't be the first time that this has happened. I haven't bought from BlueFly myself in a very long time.

It could be, however, another scenario just like Ashford, which has also sold fake MJ bags in the past and does not authenticate them before putting them up for sale. I often wonder, where these sites obtain their bags from in order to sell.

What happened when you contacted them and told them about your bag? Thanks Vogue! It's definitely a fake.

The one I got looks exactly like the fake you posted. The bag does say 'made in italy' on the metal plate.

Other differences I noticed is that the weight of the buckle is too light, the suede and the leather are not as supple as a real bag. I talked to a representative, and they said that I should send the bag to their NY Office for authentication, and of course that they would give me a refund no matter what. It's all going to work out fine, of course, except that I wanted that bag! I guess I'll just have to wait.

Chloe marcie bag serial number

I'm just glad that I spotted it. If someone got this bag and didn't know a real one from a fake one, they would have paid $$$ for a fake bag! I have seen quite a few really bad Coach patchwork tote fakes out there on ebay lately.

For example: I saw one fake last week that some poor ebayer paid $400 for. Man I hope they get their money back somehow, because that thing was worth $40, tops. These fakes are EASY to spot. Or maybe easy for me since I own the authentic bag. Often there will only be one photo of the bag and it will not show the handle -- the Coach handle is darker brown and obviously heavy leather, the fakes have butterscotch crummy 'leather' handles. The khaki signature pattern in the upper left square of the bag should be a very large 'C', not medium in size.

On the far right upper edge the pink and white suede square should have a strip of dark pink, then white, then PALE pink. Little details like this which are very easy to spot if you take the time. Carnival of venus pdf file free. Also fakes of this bag only have the patchwork on one side. They look really bad. And it makes me mad that these frauds selling these things say 'This is a bag made by Coach' right in the auction, which is a blatant lie.