Testi Po Elektrotehnike I Elektronike S Otvetami

Sadržaj • Kvantna mehanika • Fotoni • Elektroni • Atomi • Čestice • Talasi Description When do photons, electrons, and atoms behave like particles and when do they behave like waves? Watch waves spread out and interfere as they pass through a double slit, then get detected on a screen as tiny dots. Use quantum detectors to explore how measurements change the waves and the patterns they produce on the screen. Primjeri obrazovnih ciljeva • Visualize a photon, electron, neutron, or helium atom as a wave packet that collapses upon detection. • Visualize what happens to the wave between slit and screen. • Justify how the double slit experiment explains that matter and light behave as waves. • Describe the behavior of a wave function in the presence of a detector, and explain how putting a detector over a slit destroys the interference pattern.

Testi po elektrotehnike i elektronike s otvetami free

OSNOVI ELEKTROTEHNIKE I ELEKTRIČNIH MAŠINA. Book April 2015. Radi toga je pokriveno veliko područje Elektrotehnike i Elektronike. Child Boards: CRT TV DUMPS BY BRAND - DAMPOVI ABECEDNO PO MARKI. Servis elektronike EDO - Info Center Recent Posts Cherry Mobility Firmwares by Administrator (BIOS FIRMWARE) February 05, 2019, 02:06:59 AM LENCO LED TV 22 + DVD CHASSIS T.VST26.5A 10153. Konstituciya tugrisida shejrlar.

Determine how the interference pattern will change if you change the mass, speed, or wavelength. • Recognize large range of size scales involved in quantum interference experiments.

• Recognize that two coherent light sources can interfere, but only if they have the same wavelength. Download as 3610 formwork for concrete pdf free printable. Kathy Perkins, Carl Wieman UG-Intro (VSŠ) DZ Fizika Sam McKagan, Kathy Perkins, Carl Wieman, and Noah Finkelstein UG-Adv (VSŠ2) UG-Intro (VSŠ) KP Demo Fizika Sam McKagan, Kathy Perkins, and Carl Wieman UG-Adv (VSŠ2) UG-Intro (VSŠ) DZ Fizika Julia Chamberlain HS (VŠ) UG-Intro (VSŠ) Ostalo Hemija Trish Loeblein HS (VŠ) Ostalo Hemija Nauka o Zemlji Biologija Fizika Sarah Borenstein MS (SŠ) Ostalo Hemija Fizika Biologija Nauka o Zemlji Elyse Zimmer HS (VŠ) MS (SŠ) Ostalo Biologija Fizika Hemija Roberta Tevlin HS (VŠ) Demo KP DZ Fizika Patricia Abdel Rahim UG-Adv (VSŠ2) Lab Fizika.