Tesv Exe 0xc00000ba Hatas

Mar 2, 2016 - Still had the.minecraft folder, but the.exe was missing. As the game crashed with a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) error. What the title says, I launch the SKSE launcher and get an error back saying it can't find tesv.exe.

So I uninstalled skyrim and all mods a few months ago, and decided to start playing it the other day. I installed it from a download and from the disk and either way i do it, I get this error TESV.exe - Application Error The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.

I have looked around and people are saying it is dlls, Visual C++ files, etc. So I've reinstalled all C++ redist,.net frameworks, and even the game several times. If someone can help me further I'd appreciate it. Note: It is Legendary Edition.

Hi sephiroth1987, Welcome to the forum. Please be aware that removing Malware is a potentially hazardous undertaking. I will take care not to knowingly suggest courses of action that might damage your computer. However it is impossible for me to foresee all interactions that may happen between the software on your computer and those we'll use to clear you of infection, and I cannot guarantee the safety of your system. It is possible that we might encounter situations where the only recourse is to re-format and re-install your operating system, or to necessitate you taking your computer to a repair shop. Please note the following: • I will be working on your Malware issues, this may or may not, solve other issues you have with your machine. • The fixes are specific to your problem and should only be used for this issue on this machine.

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Reference: Download and run OTL Download by Old Timer and save it to your Desktop. • Right click on OTL.exe and select: Run as Administrator. • Under Output, ensure that Minimal Output is selected. • Under Extra Registry section, select Use SafeList. • Click the Scan All Users checkbox.

• Click on Run Scan at the top left hand corner. • When done, two Notepad files will open.

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